Weiner Does It Again

Carlos Danger? Dude, Seriously?!

Anthony Weiner, former Congressman and current New York City Mayoral candidate, who has risen from the ashes like a phoenix to be a factor in the race after resigning from the House of Representatives in 2011 due to a sexting scandal, was found out in yet another cybersex peccadillo after his resignation. Yes, after.  ...C'MON, MAN!

In a news conference late Tuesday afternoon, Weiner read a statement apologizing for his behavior and he repeated, as he has done since he jumped into the New York City mayoral race in May, that he and his wife, Huma Abedin, are "moving forward."  ... 

Weiner opened the press conference saying, "As I have said in the past, these things that I did were wrong and hurtful to my wife and caused us to go through challenges in our marriage that extended past my resignation from Congress," adding, "I want to again say that I am very sorry to anyone who was on the receiving end of these messages and the disruption that this has caused."

Now look, I could care less about whatever Weiner does in his personal life, but at this point politically, it's not his obvious sexual addition that's the problem. It's the ease with which he lies about it. I personally don't care how Weiner spends his online time, but it damages his credibility - no one is going to believe what he has to say with this monkey on his back. The lying I mean - as far as I know there is no picture of Weiner with a monkey floating out in the intertubes.

So far, Weiner is not going to bow out of the race, and who knows if this is going to hurt his chances with the voters. After all, besides being a douchebag in his relationship with his wife, Weiner really hasn't done anything illegal. And if guys can get caught in a prostitution ring like Louisiana Senator David "Diaper Boy" Vitter and refuse to resign, or former South Carolina Governor Mark "Appalachian Trail" Sanford, who abandoned his post for days to be with his mistress in Argentina - ARGEN-FUCKING-TINA! - yet win a special election and be elected to Congress to represent the very people he betrayed as Governor, what's not to say that New York voters won't shrug their shoulders about the whole thing and say, "Who gives a shit?"

And I have to say, poor Huma Abedin. I'm sure she has her reasons for standing by her man, but it's got to be humiliating to be in her position. Maybe she always knew about his propensity for cybersex. I don't know - maybe the whole sexting thing is how they met in the first place and she's cool with it. But again, it's a personal matter - not illegal - and if they can work it out, good for them.

We'll find out soon enough if Weiner takes a hit in the polls and if he can bounce back. I was always a Weiner fan when he was in Congress fighting for the little guy and I still actually think he would make a good mayor, but for fuck's sake, he'd better start letting his writing staff come up with better online handles. Carlos Danger? Were Geraldo Hazard and Raúl Risk already taken? 


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